Our Kitchen Renovation is complete...


Finally after what feels like forever, but really was only a year or so we have a beautiful completed kitchen! 

Matt and I lived through our whole house renovation. We lived in the old back half of the house while we renovated the front exterior, two bedrooms, bathroom and hallway (our bed was in the old horrible lavender kitchen and yes there was NO bathroom) and then moved into the front section (new beautiful bathroom this time but no kitchen for over 12months) while Matt knocked down the back half and rebuilt it completely. As a live in, side project for him (he has his own building business to run day to day) it did take a lot longer than a normal person's house reno, but I'll take what I can get! We also had to work within a few restraints that challenged our design, mostly having such a narrow house to start with, ceiling heights and wanting to have as big a kitchen as possible but also not taking too much space up from the dining/living area. 

We ummmed and ahhhhhed about cabinetry colours for a long time and the only thing we really clashed on was the splash back - Matt won that battle but I admit it has grown on me and I love the reflection of our stairs and garden in the smoked glass. 

Finally with it completed I can say that I absolutely adore our kitchen and obviously our entire home.. looking back there are always things that I would change but there is always another project simmering in the distance that I can use my new ideas on.

Supplier details at the bottom and any questions please leave a comment below or email me info@dotandpop.com.au

Much love x 

Cabinetry here - Marble here - Splashback here - Appliances here -

Tapware here

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